Стефан обнови решението на 31.10.2011 22:44 (преди около 13 години)
+require 'bigdecimal'
+require 'bigdecimal/util'
+module Promotions
+ def self.for(hash)
+ name, options = hash.first
+ case name
+ when :get_one_free then GetOneFree.new options
+ when :package then PackageDiscount.new *options.first
+ when :threshold then ThresholdDiscount.new *options.first
+ else NoPromotion.new
+ end
+ end
+ class GetOneFree
+ def initialize(nth_item_free)
+ @nth_item_free = nth_item_free
+ end
+ def discount(count, price)
+ (count / @nth_item_free) * price
+ end
+ def name
+ "buy #{@nth_item_free - 1}, get 1 free"
+ end
+ end
+ class PackageDiscount
+ def initialize(size, percent)
+ @size = size
+ @percent = percent
+ end
+ def discount(count, price)
+ multiplier = @percent / '100'.to_d
+ package_discount = price * multiplier * @size
+ packages = count / @size
+ package_discount * packages
+ end
+ def name
+ 'get %d%% off for every %s' % [@percent, @size]
+ end
+ end
+ class ThresholdDiscount
+ def initialize(threshold, percent)
+ @threshold = threshold
+ @percent = percent
+ end
+ def discount(count, price)
+ multiplier = @percent / '100'.to_d
+ item_discount = price * multiplier
+ items_above_threshold = [count - @threshold, 0].max
+ items_above_threshold * item_discount
+ end
+ def name
+ suffix = {1 => 'st', 2 => 'nd', 3 => 'rd'}.fetch @threshold, 'th'
+ '%2.f%% off of every after the %d%s' % [@percent, @threshold, suffix]
+ end
+ end
+ class NoPromotion
+ def discount(count, price)
+ 0
+ end
+ def name
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+module Coupon
+ def self.build(name,type)
+ case type.keys.first
+ when :percent then PercentOff.new name, type[:percent]
+ when :amount then AmountOff.new name, type[:amount]
+ else raise "Unknown coupon: #{type.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ class PercentOff
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(name, percent)
+ @name = name
+ @percent = percent
+ end
+ def discount(order_price)
+ (@percent / '100'.to_d) * order_price
+ end
+ def description
+ "%d%% off" % @percent
+ end
+ end
+ class AmountOff
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(name, amount)
+ @name = name
+ @amount = amount
+ end
+ def discount(order_price)
+ [order_price, @amount].min
+ end
+ def description
+ "%-5.2f off" % @amount
+ end
+ end
+ class NilCoupon
+ attr_reader :name
+ def discount(order_price)
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+class Product
+ attr_reader :name, :price, :promotion
+ def initialize(name, price, promotion)
+ raise "Name should be at most 40 characters" unless name.length <= 40
+ raise "Only prices betwee 0.01 and 999.99 allowed" unless 0 < price and price < 1000
+ @name = name
+ @price = price
+ @promotion = promotion
+ end
+class Inventory
+ def initialize
+ @products = []
+ @coupons = []
+ end
+ def new_cart
+ ShoppingCart.new self
+ end
+ def register(name, price, options = {})
+ price = price.to_d
+ promotion = Promotions.for options
+ @products << Product.new(name, price, promotion)
+ end
+ def register_coupon(name, type)
+ @coupons << Coupon.build(name, type)
+ end
+ def [](name)
+ @products.detect { |product| product.name == name } or raise 'Unexisting product'
+ end
+ def coupon(name)
+ @coupons.detect { |coupon| coupon.name == name } or Coupon::NilCoupon.new
+ end
+class ShoppingCart
+ attr_reader :items, :coupon
+ def initialize(inventory)
+ @inventory = inventory
+ @items = []
+ @coupon = Coupon::NilCoupon.new
+ end
+ def add(product_name, count = 1)
+ product = @inventory[product_name]
+ item = @items.detect { |item| item.product == product }
+ if item
+ item.count += count
+ else
+ @items << LineItem.new(product, count)
+ end
+ end
+ def use(coupon_name)
+ @coupon = @inventory.coupon coupon_name
+ end
+ def total
+ items_price - coupon_discount
+ end
+ def items_price
+ @items.map(&:price).inject(&:+)
+ end
+ def coupon_discount
+ @coupon.discount items_price
+ end
+ def invoice
+ InvoicePrinter.new(self).to_s
+ end
+class LineItem
+ attr_reader :product
+ attr_accessor :count
+ def initialize(product, count)
+ @product = product
+ @count = 0
+ increase count
+ end
+ def increase(count)
+ raise 'You have to add at least one item' if count <= 0
+ raise 'Maximum 99 items of each product can be bought' if count + @count > 99
+ @count += count
+ end
+ def product_name
+ @product.name
+ end
+ def price
+ price_without_discount - discount
+ end
+ def price_without_discount
+ product.price * count
+ end
+ def discount
+ product.promotion.discount(count, product.price)
+ end
+ def discount_name
+ product.promotion.name
+ end
+ def discounted?
+ not discount.zero?
+ end
+class InvoicePrinter
+ def initialize(cart)
+ @cart = cart
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @output = ""
+ print_header
+ print_items
+ print_total
+ @output
+ end
+ private
+ def print_header
+ print_line
+ print 'Name', 'qty', 'price'
+ print_line
+ end
+ def print_items
+ @cart.items.each do |item|
+ print item.product_name, item.count, amount(item.price_without_discount)
+ print " (#{item.discount_name})", '', amount(-item.discount) if item.discounted?
+ end
+ if @cart.coupon_discount.nonzero?
+ name = "Coupon #{@cart.coupon.name} - #{@cart.coupon.description}"
+ print name, '', amount(-@cart.coupon_discount)
+ end
+ end
+ def print_total
+ print_line
+ print 'TOTAL', '', amount(@cart.total)
+ print_line
+ end
+ def print_line
+ @output << "+------------------------------------------------+----------+\n"
+ end
+ def print(*args)
+ @output << "| %-40s %5s | %8s |\n" % args
+ end
+ def amount(decimal)
+ "%5.2f" % decimal
+ end
Ако пипаме директно count: ... if item item.count += count else ...
какъв е смисълът от LineItem#increase
и не губим ли проверката за валидно количество продукти?
да това беше казано на лекциите ;)
очевидно съм го проспал... извинявам се :)